Stertil Disclaimer
Stertil takes great care to ensure that the information on the Stertil website is up to date and reliable. Stertil and its affiliated companies accept no liability for any damages, technical failures, or service interruptions caused by erroneous information, or problems caused by or inherent in the publication of information published on any of the Stertil internet websites.The use of information on the Stertil website and the printing of any copies thereof in whole or in part, is permitted exclusively for personal use unless otherwise agreed in writing by Stertil B.V., located in the Netherlands. The further publication or spreading of this information in any manner is strictly prohibited, except with the express written permission of Stertil. Any person accessing the information on this website is accountable for the selection and use made of such information. All data displayed on the site, including text, photographs, illustrations, graphical material, (company) names, logos, product names and trademarks, are the property of and are licensed to Stertil and its affiliated companies and are protected by copyright, trademark laws and or other intellectual property legislation. The intellectual property rights are in no way transferred to individuals or legal entities who access the website. By accessing and using this site, the user unconditionally accepts these terms and conditions as stated above.
Any claims or suits associated with the Stertil webite or its use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands.